September 28, 2017

Which Is Better: CoolSculpting Or Liposuction?

While the choice between CoolSculpting in Pearl River, NY and liposuction is largely one of patient and doctor preference, there are some significant differences between the two, especially in terms of recovery period and the amount of downtime. Furthermore, while CoolSculpting is completely non-invasive, liposuction is minimally invasive.

Both procedures are designed to shape the body and not necessarily eliminate excess weight. That aspect makes both these processes very good alternatives to diet and exercise, which may not eliminate all areas of unwanted fat, especially in areas of the body where these fat cells tend to collect.

The Results

Allergan (CoolSculpting) usually means about a 20 percent fat loss in the targeted areas, which are mostly the “love handles,” thighs, and buttocks. Liposuction, on the other hand, is often much more dramatic, with as much as an 80 or 90 percent fat loss.

The results with liposuction are instantaneous, whereas CoolSculpting-related fat loss occurs due to apoptosis, which is a natural process of cell death that occurs over a period of several weeks or maybe even longer.

The Side Effects

There is also a tradeoff in terms of side effects. Liposuction usually means bruising and skin tenderness, and although these effects are nearly always mild, they do merit consideration. Cryolipolysis (CoolSculpting), on the other hand, has almost no side effects whatsoever, aside from some initial discomfort due to the fat freezing. IN fact, many patients can go almost directly from their cryolipolysis session to the gym.

The CoolSculpting discomfort level in Montvale, New Jersey is even less now than it was a few years ago, thanks to the new, cutting-edge handpieces which Dr. Fiorillo uses.

Similarly, health status is not a factor at all in CoolSculpting, since it is a non-invasive in-office procedure. Overall health is not much of a factor in nonsurgical liposuction either, but wellness may be a consideration in some cases.

The Cost

To achieve identical results as liposuction, the CoolSculpting cost will be about 20 percent higher, because of the need for multiple sessions. So, it the patient only has some smaller fat deposits to shed, and it’s possible to address these issues in one or two sessions, fat freezing in Pearl River, New York is much more cost effective.

Go online today or call us at 845-867-2594 to set up your initial consultation.

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