September 23, 2013

Zeltiq CoolSculpting in New York: What’s It All About?

Zeltiq CoolSculpting in New York: What’s It All About?

If you haven’t heard of the revolutionary new breakthrough in non-invasive fat loss procedures, then brace yourself. CoolSculpting by Zeltiq is a brand new, FDA approved technique that helps you literally freeze the fat away. Developed by Harvard scientists, the Cool Sculpting process works by cooling the target area until the underlying fat cells freeze and die off. From there, the body begins to eliminate the crystallized fat cells through natural processes. No skin tissue, nerves, or blood vessels are damaged during the treatment, leaving no trace other than a toned, slimmer you.


The process takes less than an hour, and is painless. The completely non-surgical procedure means no anesthesia, and no recovery time. You can be out and about immediately after your CoolSculpting treatment. The quick, convenient nature of the procedure means that you can fit it into your busy schedule – you could even get it done during your lunch break!


So if you are ready to finally have the toned, fit body you’ve always wanted, but without the pain and hassle of surgery, contact Dr. Fiorillo today. You can schedule a consultation with him at one of his three convenient locations at his website:

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