January 2, 2014

Fat Freezing: A New Way To Lose Fat

(1) A New Way

Cool Sculpting by Zeltiq is a novel fat loss procedure, which has been created by Harvard scientists. By using a technology that targets fat deposits under the skin, the company has come up with a revolutionary fat freezing system that actually works. While the concept may seem a bit strange since we are talking about freezing fat instead of burning it, let us explain a little how this works.

The process called Cool Sculpting is completely non-surgical, making it truly revolutionary. True to how the company markets the service, it literally freezes the fat off your body without using any needles, medication or harming the skin. The fat freeze process is simple and takes only an hour! Can you believe this? Still unsure about this process of freezing fat cells? Well, let us explain some more. Procedures like laser surgeries and sonic waves can significantly destroy body tissues by burning and shattering. More often than not, non fat cells are extracted in the process which is just not good for your body. This is not how Coolsculpting works. There is no burning and no destruction as the fat cells are frozen off the body instead of being burnt. The result is a scar free and painless fat burning procedure.

With so many companies coming up with fat loss procedures, it is hard to figure out which one to go for. There are many considerations when choosing the right fat loss procedure as many people do not like surgical procedures. Well, you do not have to go through such a painful process anymore. If you go through the Zeltiq Cool Sculpting reviews, you will see that we have many happy customers.

You may not know this but many celebrities have been using this process for years now, and no wonder – they can get back to work immediately after having this procedure done! It is so convenient that you can get this done during your lunch break and return to work right after! No taking days off and certainly no limitations where mobility is concerned.

How many times have we heard the cliché “slow and steady wins the race”? This is so very true especially where fat loss procedures are concerned. We have often heard reviews that talk about procedures such as liposuction being painful and time consuming. With Coolsculpt, you see steady improvements on your trouble areas as you continue to have treatments performed. If you read Coolsculpting reviews, you will see that people are satisfied many months after they have had the procedures done. So if you want to freeze your fat, contact Dr. Fiorillo today!

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