October 23, 2013

Fat Freeze – How Does CoolSculpting Work?

Many people complain about the fact that they spend hours at the gym and put tons of effort into eating healthy, only to find that they don’t look like they’ve been doing those things. CoolSculpting is a revolutionary new procedure that literally allows you to freeze fat away. Using a machine that targets specific trouble areas on your body (such as stubborn muffin tops, cellulite, and love handles) and lowers the temperature until such that the fat crystallizes and dies. After freezing the fat, your body disposes of it through natural processes, ensuring it doesn’t return.

The fat freezing process that CoolSculpting uses only targets the troubling fat deposits that you want to get rid of. Because of this, none of the surrounding healthy tissue gets damaged during the procedure. All of this translates into zero downtime after the procedure, so you can get right back to doing whatever you had planned for the day. The great thing about it is that a typical session only lasts about an hour, so it isn’t hard to squeeze into the most hectic of schedules. So if you want your looks to start reflecting all of the hard work you’ve been putting in, CoolSculpting may be the solution for you!

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