October 23, 2013

CoolSculpting in New York

More and more people in New York are discovering how they can freeze fat away and give them the body they want. With a targeted cooling process, the fat underneath the skin is frozen, killing it. Then the body disposes of the dead fat cells via natural processes, so they don’t come back. CoolSculpting in NYC is:


Safe – FDA approved and developed by Harvard scientists, it is a safe alternative to liposuction and surgeries. With no surgery required, there is no downtime, and the results can last just as long as traditional invasive fat-loss procedures.


Fast – The typical Coolsculpting in New York session takes about an hour, so it’s easy to work into your day. Have it done during lunchtime, while you’re out and about. It’s about the same amount of time that you’d spend at the gym!


Effective – From the first treatment, you’ll notice a reduction in fat. Within a month, your results will be even more noticeable. Maintaining a healthy diet with regular exercise will ensure your results remain stable for years to come.


If you live in the New York area, and are ready to freeze your fat away, then contact us for your CoolSculpting: NYC consultation.

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