April 21, 2014

CoolSculpting, Diet or Workout?

We all want our bodies to look fit, cool and sculpted to our desires. In New York, Dr. Fiorillo offers the groundbreaking fat freezing treatment, which can literally freeze away up to 20% of your excess fat. His team of nurses and technicians is highly trained for such therapies, and will offer you more than that — you will get professional, expert-level consulting service on what to do with your body, and how to do it.

One of the things that many people would like to know, but are perhaps afraid to ask — is whether CoolSculpting can serve as a drop-in replacement for a good diet, or even workout. It is important to understand the differences between the three, in order to utilize those best.

Going on a diet is one of the best-tested and most efficient ways to lose weight at a slow but sure pace. What you have to do is find an expert nutritionist who will prescribe a proper diet, essentially tailored for you as an individual. This is where most people go wrong – merely starving yourself out is no good, and most diets published in tabloids are next to worthless. It depends on how your metabolism works, as well as your everyday activities by which you burn your nutrients in a specific way. In other words, a computer administrator, a lawyer, a school teacher and a brick mason will all require different diets. Moreover, it depends on your age, sex, and every other aspect of your everyday life.

Workout will not reduce your weight — it’s about time somebody said that out loud. In combination with a proper diet, yes—but it’s the diet that will make you lose weight. Working out will help your muscle tissue develop, and it’s no surprise that the scales will show the same — or even larger — weight after a few months, even if you won’t get any more fat. This is because muscle tissue is more dense than fat. Thus, through the means of workout you will become fit —you will get stronger, tougher and will have more energy. This is usually the part after which most people feel better about their bodies (even despite a bit of excess fat on their bodies).

CoolSculpting is a treatment which you need an expert practitioner for. This is where Dr. Fiorillo comes in, providing CoolSculpting treatments in New York and New Jersey. While diets will gradually reduce your weight and workout will enhance your body fitness, CoolSculpting will painlessly destroy your surface fat layers. As such, it is a wonderful addition to your body sculpting, as it quickly freezes fat away without putting too much effort in diet or workout.

So, CoolSculpting, diet, or workout? If you are really serious on shaping your body properly — go for all three.

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