September 15, 2016

Four Interesting Things You Didn’t Know About CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is an interesting technology used to reduce fat cells without a surgical procedure.  It is a highly respected treatment that has been clinically proven to be safe and effective in doing away with the stubborn fat. If you are fascinated about this treatment and you consider going for it instead of the normal surgical procedures, here are some four interesting things you need to know about it:

There is no heat involved, only cold

It is easy to think that heat will be used to melt the fat during CoolSculpting. But it’s cold and not heat which is used. The procedure involves cooling the fat cells around the target area using handheld peddles, which act like vacuum that suction the fat from the skin. Since fat cells are sensitive to cold, they will ultimately get destroyed and the body will get them out naturally as dead cells.

You can play a video game during the treatment

CoolSculpting may take up to two hours and since it is not a painful process, you can save yourself from the boredom by watching a movie or playing a video game while the treatment crystallizes the stubborn fat. Once the treatment is done, you can proceed with your normal daily activities, though you may experience very mild sensitivity on the target area.

Men like CoolSculpting too

Doing away with stubborn body fat is not only a bother for ladies, but men also want to get rid of the excesses so that they can have the perfect beach body and due to this, they also love CoolSculpting since it is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment that can give them quick results.

You can book free consultation

If you would like to use CoolSculpting to remove the excess tat layers in your body, then Dr. Fiorillo would be glad to help you. Go ahead and book a free consultation by calling 845-867-2594.

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